1. 第四届中国科协“青年人才托举工程”项目,2018QNRC001,2018.10-2021.06,45万,在研,主持。
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“不同区域阔叶红松林主要共有种植物性状的种内变异及协作机制”,31971636,2020.01-2023.12,58万,在研,主持。
3. 黑龙江第九批博士后特别资助(博士后青年英才计划)“阔叶红松林主要树种叶性状在季节和生活史梯度间的权衡策略”,LBH-TZ1802,2018.11-2021.06,20万,在研,主持。
1. Liu Zhili, Hikosaka Kouki, Li Fengri, Jin Guangze*. 2020. Variations in leaf economics spectrum traits for an evergreen coniferous species: tree size dominates over environment factors.Functional Ecology, 34: 458-467.
2. Liu Zhili, Kouki Hikosaka, Li Fengri, Zhu Liangjun, Jin Guangze*. 2021. Plant size, environmental factors and functional traits jointly shape the stem radius growth rate in an evergreen coniferous species across ontogenetic stages.Journal of Plant Ecology, 14(2): 259-267.
3. Liu Zhili, Li Bin, Jin Guangze*. 2021. Scale-dependent changes in the contributions of biotic and abiotic factors to leaf area index in a natural forest in northeast China.Forest Ecology and Management, 479: 118540.
4. Zhang Xueshuang, Jin Guangze,Liu Zhili*. 2019. Contribution of leaf anatomical traits to leaf mass per area among canopy layers for five coexisting broadleaf species across shade tolerances at a regional scale.Forest Ecology and Management, 452: 117569.
5. Liu Zhili, Jiang Feng, Li Fengri, Jin Guangze*. 2019. Coordination of intra and inter-species leaf traits according to leaf phenology and plant age for three temperate broadleaf species with different shade tolerances.Forest Ecology and Management, 434: 63-75.
6. Liu Chang, Jin Guangze,Liu Zhili*. 2021. Importance of organ age in driving intraspecific trait variation and coordination for three evergreen coniferous species.Ecological Indicators, 121: 107099.
7. Wang Yanjun, Jin Guangze, Shi Baoku,Liu Zhili*. 2019. Empirical models for measuring the leaf area and leaf mass across growing periods in broadleaf species with two life histories.Ecological Indicators, 102: 289-301.
8. Liu Zhili, Jiang Feng, Zhu Yu, Li Fengri, Jin Guangze*. 2018. Spatial heterogeneity of leaf area index in a temperate old-growth forest: Spatial autocorrelation dominates over biotic and abiotic factors.Science of the Total Environment, 634: 287-295.
9. Liu Zhili, Zhu Yu, Li Fengri, Jin Guangze*. 2017. Non-destructively predicting leaf area, leaf mass and specific leaf area based on a linear mixed-effect model for broadleaf species.Ecological Indicators, 78: 340-350.
10. Liu Zhili, Chen Jing M., Jin Guangze*, Qi Yujiao. 2015.Estimating seasonal variations of leaf area index using litterfall collection and optical methods in four mixed evergreen-deciduous forests.Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 209:36-48.
1. 刘志理,金光泽. 2016.东北典型森林叶面积指数的计量研究.科学出版社, 21.9万字