1. 国家自然基金青年基金项目,类免疫球蛋白Hemolin参与美国白蛾免疫应答HcNPV侵染机制研究, 2018.01-2020.12
2. 中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目,美国白蛾速激肽样肽受体生理功能及信号转导通路研究, 2017.10-2019.07
3. 博士后研究人员落户黑龙江科研启动资助金,舞毒蛾神经肽F受体生理功能研究, 2020.11-2022.11
1. Lili Sun, Zhongjie Zhang, Ru Zhang, Ye Yu, Fangying Yang, Anjiang Tan*. Molecular disruption of ion transport peptide receptor results in impaired water homeostasis and developmental defects inBombyx mori.Frontiers in Physiology,2020, 11: 424.
2. Lili Sun, Jingjing Yin, Hui Du, Peng Liu, Chuanwang Cao*. Characterisation of GST genes from theHyphantria cuneaand their response to the oxidative stress caused by the infection ofHyphantria cuneanucleopolyhedrovirus (HcNPV).Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 2020, 163: 254-262.
3. Lili Sun, Jiannan Wang, Xiaopeng Li, Chuanwang Cao*. Effects of phenol on glutathione S-transferase expression and enzyme activity inChironomus kiinensislarvae.Ecotoxicology, 2019, 28: 754-762.
4. Lili Sun, Peng Liu, Chenshu Zhang, Hui Du, Zhiying Wang, Timothy W Moural, Fang Zhu*, Chuanwang Cao*. Ocular albinism type 1 regulates deltamethrin tolerance inLymantria disparandDrosophila melanogaster.Frontiers in Physiology, 2019, 10: 766.
5. Lili Sun, Peng Liu, Shouhui Sun, Shanchun Yan, Chuanwang Cao*. Transcriptomic analysis of interactions betweenHyphantria cunealarvae and nucleopolyhedrovirus.Pest Management Science, 2019, 75: 1024-1033.
6. Hongqu Wu#,Lili Sun#, Fang Liu, Zhiying Wang *, Chuanwang Cao*. Preparation of dry flowable formulations ofClonostachys roseaby spray drying and application forSclerotinia sclerotiorumcontrol.Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2018, 17: 613-620.
7. Lili Sun, Zhiying Wang, Hongqu Wu, Peng Liu, Chuanshan Zou, Xuting Xue, Chuanwang Cao*. Role of ocular albinism type 1 (OA1) GPCR in Asian gypsy moth development and transcriptional expression of heat-shock protein genes.Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 2016, 126: 35-41.
8. Lili Sun,Zhiying Wang, Chuanshan Zou, Chuanwang Cao*. Transcription profiling of 12 Asian gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) Cytochrome P450 genes in response to insecticides.Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology, 2014, 85: 181-194.
9. 孙丽丽,刘鹏,王志英,梁斌,曹传旺*.转LdOA1基因果蝇品系GSTs基因表达及对溴氰菊酯胁迫响应.北京林业大学学报, 2016, 38: 72-78.
10. 孙丽丽,曹传旺,薛绪亭,王志英*,杜春艳.棘孢木霉可湿性粉剂研制及杀菌活性测定.北京林业大学学报, 2015, 37: 45-52.
1. 舞毒蛾热激蛋白Hsp23基因及其dsRNA在无公害防治中的应用(ZL201510054280.9),曹传旺,王超,孙丽丽,邹传山,刘鹏.
2. 一种粉红粘帚菌分生孢子粉干悬浮杀菌剂及其应用(ZL201410300518.7),王志英,孙丽丽,曹传旺,景天忠,王超,董瀛谦.
3. 棘孢木霉可分散油悬浮剂及其制备方法(ZL201410234632.4.),王志英,孙丽丽,景天忠,曹传旺,吴红渠.
4. 棘孢木霉菌可湿性粉剂及其应用(ZL201210492682.3),曹传旺,王超,高彩球,孙丽丽,王志英,吴韶平.
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邮箱:sunlili@nefu.edu.cn; sunlilinefu@126.com